How to contribute


Check the required dependencies and setup the project using the setup guide. Create a new branch from master and code your solution.

The code is the folder Sources > Public > Components. If you’re creating a new component, use the naming convention with a prefix. (Example: NatButton). You can use whatever structure you want to write your code, since it respects SOLID principles and keeps the component as flexible as possible.


If you created or updated a new component, include or update examples of your features in the Sample App: create a new View Controller in the target target NatDS-Sample App and folder Sources > Sample > Components. You should also include your new ViewController in the file ComponentsSection.


Your code should be covered by unit and snapshot tests.

  • Unit tests are located in the folder Tests and developed with the libraries Quick and Nimble.
  • Snapshot tests are located in the folder NatDSSnapshotTests and developed with the library SnapshotTesting. > Note: To run snapshot tests, select iPhone SE (3rd generation) as the target simulator.


Don’t forget to document your new classes and methods. Use the shortcut option + command + / to open the documentation fields in Xcode.

Commit structure

We use semantic commits in the project - you can follow the types and descriptions of Conventional Commits.


The use of these commit messages is MANDATORY, as the new versions of the library are released using the commits as a source of information.

The most common types the we use are:

  • feat: [Short Description] [long description if you need] (when adding a new feature)
  • bug: [Short Description] [long description if you need] (when fixing a bug)
  • test: [Short Description] [long description if you need] (when adding/updating tests)

There are other types that you can use to tag your commits: build:, chore:, ci:, docs:, style:, refactor:, perf:. Check the description of each type of message.


We use the tool Commitizen to help us use semantic commits.

To install Commitizen, run:

npm install -g commitizen

To commit your work, run:

git add .
git cz

Create a PR

When opening a Pull Request with your changes, add a description of the changes and follow the checklist. Then, request a code review.