The following structures are available globally.
Struct with required configuration for dialog buttons
public struct DialogButtonConfiguration
NatLogoImages is a struct with all logo images from the design system. The Images changes according with the current Brand configured in the Design system and according with user properties of Light and Dark mode.
This struct has 2 variants:
- horizontal
- vertical
Example of usage:
let logoHorizontal = NatLogoImages.horizontal let logoVertical = NatLogoImages.vertical
It’s necessary to configure the Design System with a theme or fatalError will be raised.
DesignSystem().configure(with: AvailableTheme)
@available(*, deprecated, message: "Use NatLogo component instead") public struct NatLogoImages
NatColors is a struct that has access to colors from the design system. This colors changes according with the current theme configured in the Design system.
All properties returns UIColor.
Color palette is separeted by groups listed bellow, but this class deliveries all colors in flat way without nested objected.
- Primary: primary, onPrimary, primaryLight, onPrimaryLight, primaryDark, onPrimaryDark
- Secundary: secondary, onSecondary, secondaryLight, onSecondaryLight, secondaryDark, onSecondaryDark
- Surface: background, onBackground, surface, onSurface
- Content: highlight, highEmphasis, mediumEmphasis, lowEmphasis
- Feedback: success, onSuccess, warning, onWarning, alert, onAlert, link, onLink
Example of usage:
let label = UILabel() label.backgroundColor = NatColors.primary label.textColor = NatColors.onPrimary
It’s necessary to configure the Design System with a theme or fatalError will be raised.
DesignSystem().configure(with: AvailableTheme)
public struct NatColors
NatElevation is a struct that has access to elevation attributes properties from the Design System. This properties are used with view.layer to create elevation visual effect. According with the current theme in the Design System this properties can change.
Example of usage:
NatElevation.apply(onView: variantCardView, with: elevation09)
It’s necessary to configure the Design System with a theme or fatalError will be raised.
DesignSystem().configure(with: AvailableTheme)
public struct NatElevation
NatFonts is a struct that has methods to create fonts from the Design System tokens. According with the current Brand in the Design System this properties can change.
Example of usage:
label.font = NatFonts.font(ofSize: .heading6 withWeight: .regular)
It’s necessary to configure the Design System with a theme or fatalError will be raised.
DesignSystem().configure(with: AvailableTheme)
public struct NatFonts